Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2354 Execution

Gaius looked surprised and stunned.

"What!? General Gillios... that man executed..."

Gaius was fooled by the crowd for a while, and became paranoid.

However, the expression gradually changed and gradually became steeper.

And Gaius finally recovered from the shock, showing a harsh expression while scratching the crowd out of the ring.

"You said you were responsible for Aglut's defeat... because I pushed him back."

Gaius gritted his teeth together.

"Shit! I don't sleep well when it comes to executions."We'll get you out of here, Gillios! "

Gaius swore firmly that he was going to the royal castle for a run.

Gaius walked to the royal castle for a while, but he didn't know where General Gillios was being held, so he decided to gather information first.

When Gaius looked around and found the tavern, he walked to it again early.

Gaius entered the store with great momentum and said to the owner sitting behind the counter.

Give me a drink!

"Yes, sir."

The shopkeeper called something like a magazine, but when a customer arrived, he immediately got up and replied.

Then he took a cup close to him and filled it with alcohol.

"Yes, wait"

The owner took the money from Gaius when he put the liquor away.

The shopkeeper tried to get back to the chair behind the counter just after my work, but Gaius stopped him.

"We're talking about General Gillios being executed, you know?"

The owner turned around and said with a smile that it seemed like an interesting topic.

"Oh, I just heard that. That's a terrible story."

"Do you know who General Gillios is?"

"Of course. He's a good man.A generous general, loved by everyone. "

"Aglut, I hear you're taking responsibility for the attack, but what do you think?"

Everything seems to have retreated because a magician with unbelievable power appeared.

"... it seems so..."

"Yes, but according to General Gillios' soldiers, he was a truly unbelievable magician at a level I've never seen before.That's why if we fought, we would have suffered considerable damage.General Gillios is the general he thinks he is.I guess that's why you decided to retreat. "

That's what the owner said and shrugged his shoulders.

I bent my mouth to the letter and tried to gather more information.

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