Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter Two Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Two Policy Decisions

"All right, I'll let the four of us look into it.You need to rescue the General. "

Nest said with a stern expression.

Gaius nodded.

Fine. Let's go then.

Then Nest said, looking worried.

"Don't use any prominent methods."We want to move in secret afterwards. "

“Oh, I see. You wanted to do a coup.”

Then Nest looked disgusted.

"Don't be so petty with me."It's a tough decision for us to make. "

"Oh, okay. Then I'll rescue you as calmly as I can."

That said, Gaius walked out toward Stasta and the exit.

Although Nest was still anxious, he had no choice but to send it out.

Well, it was the northernmost tower.

Gaius walked slowly out of the store toward the royal castle.

"Let's go from below." Or maybe it's up there. "

Gaius was wondering what to do about the route into the tower.

"It's easy to go from the top, but if you fly, someone will find you."Magic is not common in this era, and if it is found, it will definitely cause a commotion.I have to avoid that, because I have an appointment with Nest. "

Gaius thought about it as he walked arm in arm with him.

But it flashed there.

"Oh, I see. Should I break in from the sky at night?"That way, there's no danger of being discovered.Don't make the most noise.Okay, let's do that. "

Gaius began to worry about deciding on a policy, or what time to wait until nightfall would do.

"First of all, let's get hungry."After that... well, it's like a winning match. "

Gaius decided lightly and looked for a shop nearby.

"...... the restaurant that looks delicious... mmh, there's nothing I can do about it."

Gaius looked at the shop sign and looked inside.

But I couldn't find a store I liked, and I walked around for a while.

But at last we managed to find a good store.

"Yeah. It's kind of a good place."Let's do it here. "

Gaius walked slowly into the store.

Then he glanced around the store and nodded.

"The inside of the store feels good.Looks like I figured it out. "

Gaius told the shopkeeper that he would be alone.

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