Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2,365 The Guard Under the King

Suddenly Gaius stood up and shouted, the men were surprised and couldn't speak for a while.

But when a man finally recovered, he realized what Gaius meant by his words.

Oh, oh, you heard us.

"That's right. If you say it out loud, you'll hear it, won't you?Moreover, the only thing that matters is "there."I can't help but notice. "

"Oh, I see."

"That's right." So, what's "that"? "

The man replied honestly to Gaius' curtain.

The king's bodyguard.

Oh, did you come with the king's escort?

Gaius felt upset at the appearance of a strong opponent.

Then the other men finally got back on their feet and broke into stories and came in.

Apparently, he likes to talk.

"That's right. There was a member of the King's Guard."Whatever it is, it's powerful. "It's not just strong. "" Yes, it is.They're very brutal. "

"Huh! That's brutal."Do you have such a history? "

In response to Gaius' question, the men came aboard.

"Yes, there is." "Yes, there is."I don't want to miss out on their brutal episodes. "" Yeah, they talk too much anyway. "" Hey, don't say that too loud.I don't know where you're listening. "" Oh, I see.Anyway, they're very intense. "


I don't know the exact episode, but Gaius understands it's a brutal bunch.

So the king's immediate guard has been around for a long time?

Then the men shook their heads sideways.

"No, it was done recently." "But it's not missing a brutal episode, is it?"" You've made ten bad episodes on one battlefield. "" No, you won't listen to ten.I'm telling you there's a hundred things we don't know. "" Really?These guys are really bad. "

Gaius raised his eyebrows.

”Recently, I guess... after the king replaced me?”

"That's right. It looks like the current King has gathered a group of his own."

"Oh, that's right..."

From their stories, Gaius suddenly sensed the stench.

So, how many of them are there?

The man answered Gaius' question.

"Ten men. A few elite troops, I suppose."

Ten people... I see.

Gaius lifted his eyebrows and laughed.

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