Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,369: The Pocketmaster

"Ah, this way..."

The soldier said with an anxious look, wondering if he could really guide him.

Gaius nodded with a full smile.

"Thank you. You're good to go."


"Get back to the guard."Thank you for showing me around. "

The soldier looked uneasy as if he could really go back.

But Gaius replied with a full smile.

"Look, I'm back. I'm back. You're not to blame. Don't worry about it."

"Hah... well then... thank you..."

The soldier still looked uneasy and slowly backed away.

Gaius waved his hand with a full smile.

At last, the soldier was relieved. After a big meeting, the soldier walked back down the hall.

Gaius, confirming that, turned to the room.

Well then, will you come in?

Gaius knocked on the door.

Then I put down a beat and a voice came from inside.

"Ahhhh. Here you go."

Gaius slowly opened the door.

"Sorry to bother you ~"

As Gaius greeted him, he looked inside and saw a young man sitting in front of a desk full of documents.

"Yes, who is this?"

Gaius thought for a moment about how to introduce himself.

"Um, this is a person named Augros."

"Huh, Mr. Augros, where are you from?"

Then Gaius laughed in disbelief at this series of carefree exchanges.

The other young man suddenly laughed and gave a strange expression.

Gaius realized that and continued to speak in a hurry.

Um ~, this is where you back up the royal guard, right?

Then the young man looked up and thought about it.

"No, speaking of backup, it's a backup..."

Isn't that right?

"No, it's not like that..."

Which one is it?

When Gaius asked with a bitter smile, the man said as if he had thought of it.

One way or another, I wonder if I'm using it in the backyard.

Hey ma'am. I see. Feeling like it's just being used in a good way?

"Well, isn't that the case..."

"You're quite honest, aren't you?"

"Well, honestly... no, nothing."

The man suddenly stopped talking there.

Gaius immediately figured it out.

Oh, the king's guards are the first to ask.

The young man looked around, nodded slightly and whispered.

"Well, not loud around here." You know that, don't you? "

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