Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,389: Fresh Blood

Goldon's slashed sword slashed through Gaius' chest.


Gaius ascended with the Aura Burst fully open as he sheds fresh blood.

Gaius continued to ascend, feeling a tremendous wind pressure, and finally slowed down as he pushed through the clouds.


Gaius lowered his gaze and looked around his chest.

Then, I saw that the long cuts in the two muscles were deeply engraved.

Moreover, the amount of bleeding is too much.

Gaius had a bloody feeling about his whole body.

"... I did it... I was so alarmed... I totally screwed up..."

That's where Gaius became haunted.

Even though it went all the way up, Goldon might be coming after us.

Gaius dropped his gaze in a hurry and looked for Goldon.

Gordon looked up at Gaius.

Gaius snapped his chest down for a moment.

But the wound to the chest was too deep.

Gaius gritted his teeth with regret, but he had to make a decision.

Gaius looked down again and stared at Gordon, flying toward him with the Aura Burst fully open.

Gaius continued to fly open enough, and finally began to descend to draw a parabola.

And slowly slowed down and slowly landed on the ground.


Gaius put his soles on the ground, and his knees were still on, and his hands were on all fours.

"... damn... my God..."

Gaius woke up when he saw the bumps and fresh blood falling from his chest.

Then, I decided to focus on stopping the hemorrhage in my chest.

"... ugh... we have to do something about this one anyway..."

Gaius concentrated desperately and began to stop the bleeding.

But the bleeding didn't subside.

"Damn... why?"...... I see, because I'm excited... then I have to calm down..... "

Gaius calmed down his rough breathing.

Then the amount of bleeding gradually subsided.

Gaius was unhappy there and focused even more.

At last, the bleeding stopped.

"... have you stopped?... no, don't worry yet... don't be distracted until you completely stop..."

Gaius told himself that he was going to focus on stopping the bleeding for a while.

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