Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,427 Pride

Gaius releases a barflame.

There, Lelya and Rush attacked.

The two of them rushed and slashed at Gaius silently from left to right.

Gaius instantly noticed and flew the aura bursting into the sky.

Goldon was waiting for me there.

With his sword already scrapped, Goldon stopped Gaius and swung down his sharp-edged sword.


Gaius instantly made the aura burst in an attempt to escape backwards.

There, Goldon's sword tip attacked.

Goldon's sword cuts through the sky at the tip of Gaius' nose.


Gaius took a deep breath as he flew backwards.

A right-wing unit just attacked.

They kicked the earth with all their might and slashed it against Gaius' back.

But Gaius felt the sign on his back and managed to manipulate the Aura Burst to escape further into the sky.


The right-wing unit that missed one more step screams regretfully.

Gaius jumped straight up to the sky.

And I was relieved to reach a height that even Goldon, the only one who could use flying skills, could not reach.

"Well, don't do it so badly." Fighting at low altitude is a bit risky. It's a little dirty, but they can't reach us. Let's do it from here. "

Gaius abandoned his pride and made the decision to take it by name.

"Don't feel bad, Barflame!"

Gaius threw a scorching flame from a high altitude.

The flames rushed up and attacked the king's guard, who was looking up from the ground.

Split up!

Under Goldon's orders, the king's escort was dispersed at once.

However, Gaius changed the angle of release of the barflame from a viewable sky and attacked the faces of the royal guard one after another.

The scream of a snort rose.

One or two of them were burned by the flames and fell to the ground.

But Gaius ruthlessly increased the number.

In just two minutes, we managed to get rid of the seven of them.

"In the end, those three are the only ones left." Now, where are you hiding? "

Gaius searched the skies for Goldon, Relia, and Rush.

"In the building? Or are you among the guards?"

Gaius looked alternately among the barricaded guards on the boulevard and the buildings on the side of the road, but couldn't find the three of them.

I don't have a choice. Let's get rid of the guards for now.

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