Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2430 To Honmaru

"Hey! What's the matter?" Wait a minute! "

Gilios rushed to stop Gaius.

However, Gaius seemed to have an idea and quickly flew away without reacting to his voice.

The remaining Gilios looked like they were pinched by a fox.

"What's wrong with you?"

Then the nest beside him said with an unbelievable look on his face.

"Come on... I don't know"

"Hmm, I told you to come slowly later, but I can't go that way."

"Yes, the Resistance from all over the country is now heading to the Royal Castle in response to us." If they arrive first, they will be in a fierce state of battle, so I wonder if we should be the first to reach them. ”

That's right. I'm sorry to skip the stage and show up later.

"Yes, Lord Augros said so, but we also have our own convenience."

"Hmm, that's right. Let's hurry up."

Gilios said so and looked back.

And I called the order in a loud voice.

"Let's hurry up!" Follow me! "

Thus, the group of political prisoners led by General Gilios went ahead in an early step toward the royal castle.

"Well... I see it. I see it."

Having visualized the royal castle, Gaius quickly attempted to break into it before General Gilios arrived.

"...... there's a lot of guards out there......"

Gaius laughed when he saw the overflowing soldiers not only in the royal castle, but also outside the castle.

"But hey, from my point of view, it doesn't matter how many people there are."

Gaius flew at full speed and quickly jumped over the gate.

"I can fly anyway." It doesn't make sense to go downstairs. "

Gaius laughed happily, aiming for Honmaru, where the king appears to be.

"Hey, here it is."

Gaius searched the main roof for the entrance.

”... ummm... ah, there it is”

Gaius spotted the exit window on the immediate side and walked slowly towards it.

It's difficult to walk because it's leaning diagonally.

Gaius arrived at the window, somewhat wobbly along the way.

Okay, let's break in from here.

Gaius opened the window and slid his body inside.

Oh, what is this place?

Gaius was a little surprised by the unusual construction on the top floor of the main building.

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