Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2446: Kimas

I told you, I'm Augros.

Gaius introduced himself again.

Then Kimas yelled reflexively.

"Tsk tsk tsk! I'm not asking your name. Who the hell are you!"

Then Gaius tilted his head.

”That's right... if I ask you again, you'll be stuck with the answer...”

"What's wrong with you... you're a weirdo..."

Then Gaius smiled and said.

Well, to put it mildly, I am the man who unifies this Melissa continent.

Kimas became expressionless at what Gaius said.

Kimas began to boil water for some reason as he moved slowly.

Gaius watched Kimas' behavior with a strange look.

Kimas prepared two cups while he silently waited for the water to boil.

Kimas then waited with a cup of tea in his cup.

At the same time that the water was boiling, I poured hot water into the cup.

Kimas held a cup of tea in his hands and pointed one at Gaius.

"Here you go."

Gaius received the cup silently.

Kimas sank into the sofa nearby.

At the same time, Kimas pointed at Gaius on the other sofa with his chin.

Gaius thought that meant that he should sit down, and he sat down obediently.

Seeing that Gaius sat down on the sofa facing him, Kimas let out a big sigh and said:

"I see. It's tough." Melissa, do you want to unify the continent? Oh, I see. That's good. So, where's your house? I'll send it to you, so just say it. "

Kimas stared at Gaius with a very gentle gaze of mercy.

At that moment, Gaius realized that he was being treated like an idiot.

"No, I'm not insane." I'm sane.... "

Then Kimas interrupted Gaius.

"Oh, I know! I know!" It's okay. It's okay. I won't do anything wrong. ”

"No, it's not like that..."

"Oh, right. Don't worry, I'll get you home.”

"No, if you want to go home, you can go home."

But again, Kimas said to Gaius with a gaze full of mercy.

"That's right, that's right." But there's also a beast living in this mountain. It's surprisingly dangerous. But it's okay. I'm with you. Don't worry about it. "

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