Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2454: Where is the King?

"Ah? You look changed. That's right, no one wants to die, right?"

Gaius pushed the water.

Then their complexion changed even more.

Gradually, there came out those who looked at each other.

And Gaius laughed, and spake unto them.

"Hey, say it." It's all right, you're not gonna tell me what to do with the king, are you? But it's okay, because I'm going to rule this country. "

Then the two people who had just seen each other looked at each other again.

Gaius smiled deeper and said.

"Rest assured, I will guarantee your safety." That's why you're throwing up. "

Then one of the men drank raw saliva.

Then, a sweat twitched off the other man's forehead.

With one more push, Gaius drew his face closer to the men.

"Tell me. You don't want to die, do you?"

Then the man who drank raw saliva nodded very smallly.

Gaius did not miss it.

Gaius targeted the man and drew his face closer.

"Come on, let's talk about it." Think about it. Which one is the king? ”

Then the man finally broke his mouth.

"...... I'm not here......"

A blood vessel rose from Gaius' temple.

"Yes? Shall I say it again?"

Did you think Gaius had been licked or something?

But the man looked at Gaius and waved his hands in a panic to deny it.

"Hey! Wait a minute!" It's true! "

Gaius grabbed a sweaty man from his forehead while deeply carving a wrinkle between his brows.

Then the man nodded his head again and again.

Gaius asked with a strange look.

"Are you telling the truth?"

The salivary man replied, nodding several times.

"Oh, it's true! I'm not here!"

The sweaty man from the forehead was also in tune.

“It's true! I'm not here!"

Gaius was surprised by the screaming voice of the two of them.

But looking around, the other men nodded.

Gaius is lying, isn't he? It became a face.

Then where is the king?

In response to Gaius' natural question, the saliva man answered in horror.

"Just now, when I left dusty..."

Gaius opened his mouth wide.

Hah ~?

"No, that's why I ran away earlier..."

Too often, Gaius was unable to inherit the phrase, and his mouth was wide open.

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