Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,467 Frenzy

So what was the previous example like?

Gaius interrupted the two of them and asked.

Iris answered instantly.

“There are two precedents: the king went mad while he was in power, and the king went into solitary confinement and became a subordinate.”

"Are you out of your mind..."

“Yes, it seemed like everybody could tell that. So it seemed easy to move to the end of the line."

"On the other hand, this time it's different."

Yeah. Not because the king went mad, but because he fled the country... subtle.

Then Gaius said as he remembered.

But didn't the current king go crazy right after he took the throne?

In response to Gaius' words, Iris answered immediately.

“Everyone thinks it's gone crazy. But it's not like a frenzy. Frenzy is the failure to maintain one's ego and break it. We can't communicate with each other. On the contrary, the present king is different."

Gaius put his arms together and thought about it.

"It's not like anyone's going mad when they look at you... and you're not being held captive, so there's no one there."

“That's right. It's hard to dispose of them for any reason, but it's a big deal that we haven't been able to secure ourselves anymore.”

Then Gaius frowned.

"Ugh! If only I had caught him..."

Gaius bit his throat.

Gilios comforted her.

"It's not your fault." And so am I. "

"No, it's my fault after all." Because I was alarmed. "

Gaius asserted so clearly.

Then he stared at the ceiling with a stern expression.

Then Iris said in a sober voice.

"Regretting the past doesn't start anything. The question is, how do we build the future?”

Gilios said suddenly.

“Yes, we must dismantle it in order to build the future of this country.”

Hmm. Let's build up our allies first.

How many allies will you have?

”Well then... if you don't do all this, you won't know”

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"For the time being, I shall speak to the nearest."

“Yes, I'll take care of it.”

In response to Gilios' words, Iris stood up.

Gilios also stood up and bowed.

Gaius also stood up imitating Gilios.

Then Iris laughed.

"Hmm, you're fine." Don't push yourself. "

Iris left the room with an ironic smile.

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