Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2524: Knives

”... uuuu... I can't... anymore...”

Gaius murmured, closing his eyelids and nodding.

The waiter raised his mouth and laughed.

But the waiter didn't move for a while.

After a while, Gaius' sleepy breath leaked out.

The waiter raised his mouth and smiled demonically.

But the waiter still didn't move.

Eventually, Gaius' sleep became a violent one accompanied by snoring.

The waiter waited and finally began to move.

She took her right hand slowly to her chest and took out something elongated.

The waiter then approached Gaius so as not to make a slow footstep.

He holds the elongated thing in his hand.

Then the elongated thing was illuminated by the light and glowed brightly.

It was a small knife used to open wines and such.

As the waiter approached Gaius, he switched the little knife into his reverse hand.

And as soon as he tried to put a knife on Gaius' back, Gaius' body began to glow pale.

The waiter was surprised and watched the other waiters on the spot.

The others came close to Gaius in amazement.

Everyone is taking out a small knife from their pockets.

It seems that the waiter was the leader of this place, and he sent a signal to the others.

The others nodded with a serious expression.

Then the leader looked around and raised his chin.

And when she stopped at the end of the ascent, she looked around in turn and lowered her chin.

At that moment, everyone stretched out their arms to stab Gaius with their knives in front of them.

But it didn't come true.

The pale aura that covered Gaius' body bounced off all their knives.

The waiters gave a stunned expression.

The sound of knives falling all over the room echoed.

But Gaius was sleepy, and he was scratching even louder without reacting to the sound.

The waitress's leader nodded at everyone.

Then they all went together to pick up the knife.

And when each of them finished picking up their knives again, they returned to the area around Gaius.

But this time, only the leader turned the knife towards Gaius and slowly drew it closer to Gaius' body.

The knife stopped vitally along the way.

They gave a stunned expression.

But then everyone looked at each other and fell apart.

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