Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,572 Breaking and entering through a window

"Well, I wonder where we're going to go down..."

Gaius looked around the rooftop of the royal castle.

But then Gaius raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah? There's no stairs to go down?"

Gaius carefully checked his surroundings again.

But there were no stairs.

"No, that can't be..."

Gaius jumped up again and carefully inspected it from above.

But the results were the same.

"... I really don't. It's definitely good for defense, but... it's so cramped, isn't it?"

Gaius murmured in horror and let out a sigh.

“I don't have a choice. We can break into the rooftop, but we have to go downstairs.”

When Gaius observed the royal castle, he could only see two mountain passes stretching from below.

"Just the two front and back." Well, I don't know which one is the front and which one is the back, but.... "

Gaius confirmed that the two mountain roads were the same width and that they were connected to the castle town from east to west, and said so.

"Even so, the road is narrow." Then if two adults lined up next to each other, it would be full. "

The road was sharp, and if I made a mistake, the terrain was completely inverted under the cliff.

"It's a fortified royal castle... but this stuffs my breath." There aren't many windows... is there only the upstairs part with the windows? "

According to Gaius, the first floor of the building was not partitioned with a single window.

"Hmm, that's a bit morbid." Well, it seems that the king did it decades ago, so it's fine... but it's pretty tricky to break in. "

Gaius compared the windows on the second floor.

"Well, are all the windows together?" from the window nearby..... "

Gaius muttered, gliding wooosh closer to the window.

Then, after carefully observing for the presence of people inside, he stuck to the window.

Alright, it looks like there's no one there.

Gaius peeked through the window to make sure there were no people around, and opened the window.

And they quickly broke into the building.

That's me. No matter how well defended the castle is, it's easy to break in with me.

Gaius didn't brag to anyone, he told himself.

But at that time, there was a stiff footstep at the end of the corridor.

Gaius looked around in a panic.

"Oh, it's a pillar. Let's hide in the shadows."

Gaius slipped himself into a nearby pillar and lurking breathlessly.

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