Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,582 Sarah Memphis

As Gaius pointed out, Sarah's expression turned out to be the steepest ever.

Seeing that, Gaius was convinced that his reasoning was correct.

"Looks like you got it, princess."

Sarah stares at Gaius silently.

Gaius raised the edge of his mouth and laughed.

"Hey, hey, you don't have to stare so much."

"What will you do knowing me as a princess?"

Gaius answered Sarah's angry question, squinting his shoulders.

"Never mind. I'm a princess, so I'm not thinking about what to do." However, if you tell me what I want to know, I will disperse. "

Then Sarah said suddenly.

What do you want to know about the whereabouts of King Berk?

Gaius nodded a great deal.

"That's right! That's all I want to know."

Then Sarah laughed.

"There's no way I know that."


"Oh, I don't know where King Berk is right now."

But you admit that you've been here for so long, right?

Then Sarah shut up.

Gaius said again, squinting his shoulders.

"There's a story coming up." To tell the truth, I'm from the East Rogue Power. "

Then Sarah raised her eyebrows and asked reflexively.


Gaius smiled naggingly.

"You look surprised."

Sarah quickly regained her composure.

"No, but I heard you showed up with Agult and Belk." I might have been a little surprised. "

"Hmm, it's no use trying to deceive me." It came out on my face. "

"I don't care."

Gaius was also naughty.

By the way, do you know why you're from Rogue?

"I don't know. I don't know."

"If you think about it, don't you know?" In fact, I already know it in my head. "

I said, "I don't know."

Yeah, I'll tell you.

When Gaius said that, he raised his jaw again and said arrogantly.

"I've met King Rogue. And I washed away all the plans that King Berk had planned. So, what do you say we finally stop the plan?"

Sarah couldn't hide her surprise.

Sarah shook her body lightly and took a breath.

"What?... no, what are you talking about?"

Gaius looked proud and even more arrogant.

"You can't fool me." I didn't mean to say it again. Then it's the same as I admitted it.

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