Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2584 Reason

I see... the north...

Gaius murmured.

Sala added additional information to that.

"From here to the west, there is a big city." There was a road that stretched from there in the northwest direction, but there was information that King Berk had passed through it. ”

"What's the name of the town?" And the name of the street. "

"The town is Mauro. The name of the road is Olcott Street."

"Olcott Street in Mauro Town. All right."

Gaius said that and tried to turn his heels in a hurry.

But on the way, he stopped and said to Sarah.

I want to ask you one last time, why is there a princess in such a boneless room?

Sala unexpectedly squeezed her shoulders.

"This castle doesn't have any aristocratic hobby rooms." Everything is made as simple as this room. "

Is that not the same as when the king built this castle decades ago?

"Oh, the kings of the generations, like the kings of fifty years ago, have always been frightened of invasions from other countries."

Sarah told me to throw up.

Gaius nodded several times.

I see. It's hard to be caught in a big country.

"There's no need for you to be sympathetic."

"Never mind, that's about it."

"I don't feel well. I don't think sympathy for perverts is appropriate."

"You're steaming again!" I'm definitely not a pervert! "

"I see. You think so yourself." But at the same time, I thought you were a pervert. Let's do what we like about each other. ”

"What a rationale!" Look, I'm not a pervert! For now, I'll be rude for today, but I'll settle this the next time I come! That's great! "

“What's the settlement? That kind of thing is already on. I told you earlier. You have your truth. I have my truth. You don't have to scratch it. I can't see into other people's minds, nor can I repaint them."

”Guu... muuuuuuuuuuu...”

Gaius tried to argue, but his words didn't come out.

As a result, Gaius finally gave up completely, closed his heart, and became expressionless.

"Ah, Sow. Jaah, Bokha, Kolede, Citrus Ruyo."

Sarah spurted out to Gaius, who greeted her with a strange farewell greeting.

Well, I see.

"Ah, Jaah, Mata."

When Gaius said that in a catatonic manner, he returned his heel and left the room.

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