Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,586 Mauro

Gaius descends discreetly into the alleyway of the town, and leaves the alley in a leisurely pace to reach the main street.

"There's plenty of people out there." Let's hear it for now. "

When Gaius decided to do so, he immediately stopped the man who was about to pass by.

"Excuse me, is this city Mauro?"

The man who was stopped replied cheerfully.

"Yes, that's right. Are you a traveler?"

"Yes, that's right. It's my first time here."

"Yes, but this town has nowhere to sightsee." It's a big town, but it's not from a long time ago. "

You mean it was made recently?

"Yes. About fifty years ago, the Royal Castle... do you understand?" It's east of here. "

"Yes, of course. I'm from the Royal Castle."

I see. It was built together when the royal castle was built.

"Oh, I see. Then it's a town built artificially fifty years ago, so there's no place like a tourist attraction?"

"Yes, so if we were to go sightseeing... yes." If you take a horse-drawn carriage 30 minutes north of here, there's a lake, so how about that? It's a pretty transparent lake, and it's beautiful. ”

"I see. To the north..."

Yeah, just go straight down the Olcott Road out of town.

"Oh, is that so? Then I will go and try it. Thank you for your kindness.”

"No, you're welcome. Have a nice trip."

Thank you very much.

Gaius broke up with the man by thanking him.

But with his feet he went not to the alley, but to the tavern that was in front of him.

Let's hear it for now.

Gaius muttered to himself and spoke to the owner of the shop over the counter.

"A drink."

Old wine, can I have it?

Yeah, that's it.

"Two copper coins."

Gaius took the copper from his pocket and placed it on the counter.

The storekeeper put the ordo in front of Gaius and made a loud noise.

As Gaius grabbed the jock with the ord liquor, the shopkeeper received the copper coin.

Then Gaius put the jock in his mouth and drank the ordo altogether, making a fizzy sound.

The shopkeeper looked at the situation and admired it.

"Oh, brother. That's a good drink."

Gaius took a breath and said:

"I'll get another one."


In a bright tone, the shopkeeper replied, pouring a second cup.

As he turned his back, Gaius casually asked.

I wonder if a suspicious group has come to this town recently?

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