Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2592: Thin Winding Path

Have you seen the strange people two days ago!

When the farmer shouted, a man named Radar replied.

"Ahh! I saw it! It's the ones with the white cloak!?"

The farmer looked at Gaius.

I heard you saw it.

“Yes, thank you very much. I'll ask you more about it.”

"Oh, my God."

When the farmer said that, he shouted at the radar again.

"I'll teach you so hard!"

Gaius politely lowered his head to the farmer and ran towards the radar.

Radar also interrupted farm work and started walking towards Gaius.

And he turned to Gaius, who rushed over.

You know those weirdos?

Ah, no, I'm looking for someone I know.

I see. Wow, these guys were weird ~

Was the armor under the white robe?

Huh. I made a lot of funny noises.

Did you look pale?

The radar then nodded repeatedly and loudly.

"Oh, I see." My face was so pale. It was so creepy. "

"I knew it! So they went straight down this road?"

The radar then shook its head to the side, as Gaius had hoped.

Noo, when I came, I came from Olcott Street.

Radar pointed to the west and said:

"There's a narrow turn, isn't there?" I went through it. "

"You turned around here, didn't you? What's at the end of this narrow path?”

Then the radar tilted its neck.

"Hmm... there's just a mountain."

Oh, surely you can see the mountains in the distance.

"Oh, my God."

“Is there anything further?”

"Nh, nothing." There's just a steep mountain road ~ "

"Is it a mountain road? Where will you go after that?"

The radar answered naturally.

"Hmm, the steep roads will continue, if I go far and far..."

Gaius prompted me to go ahead.

Why don't you go?

The radar said again as a matter of course.

Well, we're going to get to Velcro.

You're going to get to Velcro, aren't you?

Gaius spurred on.

Radar replied with a little surprise.

It's just a very steep beast path, so it's a good idea to go.

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