Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,647, please press.

"I see, but I can't do that."

King Ziala spoke out in a harsh voice.

But Gaius was not frightened and said more.

"I guess so." It looks like they're holding a military council for that purpose right now. "

"That's right. I can't tell you what it is, but I'll admit it."

"But I want to press it and ask you to do it." Belk, give up the invasion. "

King Gialla glanced at Gaius' face and smiled slightly.

I thought you said you couldn't do it.

Gaius said further, not timidly.

"I thought you said you wanted to push it?"

Then the generals rushed out again.

"No! Towards Your Majesty!" -You rude bastard! - I won't forgive you!

But King Ziala also remained silent and raised his hand to dominate the generals.

“Gaius… Belk has always been a threat to our country, but in recent years it has been particularly prominent. Do you know why?"

"Because King Berk has become a militarized power."

"Exactly. King Berk has been invading neighboring countries in recent years." I'm going to my country, and I'm going to do something about it. "

I think so.

"But that Belk king suddenly comes to me and says," Attack Belk. "Isn't that an interesting story?"

"Sure. Surprising story."

"That would be the case. As I said earlier, Belk is a constant geopolitical threat to our country. If you can cut it off a bit, don't be silly. Isn't that right?"

Gaius replied immediately.

No, no, no, no.

"Yes, it would."

King Ziala said, breathing out his breath.

But Gaius stood still and said:


King Ziara's eyes narrowed wooosh.


"Well, if it's normal, I'll go in." But isn't that a funny story? "

King Ziala nodded harshly.

"Hmm. I'll admit it." All of a sudden, the king wants me to attack my country. "

Of course you heard why, didn't you?

"Of course."

"What did he say?"

"I was pursued by a mighty wizard. I'll cede the territory, so you have to attack me....."

Gaius nodded.

"I wonder who that mighty mage is...?"

King Ziala loosened his mouth and laughed.

You must be the lord.

Gaius nodded contentedly and said.

"That's right. Shall I throw you out too?"

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