Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,649 King Ziara

"Very well, but it's small here." I'd like to change the place. "

Gaius said with a smile.

And the generals rose up again, and king Ziala immediately lifted up his right hand, and dominated.

"All right, let's go out to the courtyard."

Then Gaius held on to King Ziala.

"No, it's a hassle to go out to the courtyard." It's fine on the rooftop. "

King Ziala nodded instantly.

"All right, let's get out of that door and get to the roof."

The king of Ziara said, "Let's get moving."

Gaius was surprised at the lightness of King Ziala's footwork.

But while he was thinking about it, Gaius rushed to the door leading to the rooftop.

Five sisters and brothers and generals followed, and after a while they all went out to the rooftop.

And the king went out on the roof, and inhaled into his breast a full of air toward the breeze.

"It's a nice day, the wind smells of trees and it's delicious."

Gaius smiled.

"You're a poet. The wind is delicious."

“That's not true. You should try it too. The scent is good standing up."

Gaius inhaled as he was told.

"... it certainly smells a little bit like that."

"That would be the case. The wind tastes good on days like this."


Then King Ziala smiled.

"Come on, let me show you." "... the power of your lord."

Gaius smiled confidently and stepped forward.

Then, when I turned my right arm diagonally upward, I immediately dyed it red.

Well then, let's go.

Then the flames and flames burned from Gaius' arm.

The flames burned violently over Gaius' right arm.

Seeing that, the generals raised a groaning voice.

But the king of Ziara was not astonished, but he narrowed his eyes.

Gaius was very concerned about the surrounding reactions, and when he smiled, he released a barflame at the maximum output.

"No!" "Eh!" "Wow!"

The generals raised their voices in amazement at the power of the barflame from Gaius' right arm.

Gaius looked even better.

But when Gaius looked at King Ziara with his head around him, his expression didn't look too surprised.

Gaius frowned at the reaction.

"... hey, aren't you surprised?"

Then King Ziala raised his tongue.

"No, I'm amazed enough." But I already heard about it. I just didn't show my face. "

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