Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2,655 The Throne

Lokuz said to me, "You will be king of Ziara."

And king Ziala said, and looked up a little, and narrowed his eyes.

Gaius raised his gaze without moving his face and said, trying to remember his past.

“I see. It's similar to my time.”

Then King Ziala smiled slightly.

I see. It's the same.

"Well, I know the situation is quite different, but he said I was the man who would unite the Melissa Continent." And I'm in a position to assist. "

Then King Ziala told him to crush his beard, rubbing it over and over.

"I see, the same is true of me. He said he would help me to the throne."

“Together. He just disappeared.”

King Ziala nodded.

"Was that right after we met?"

"Yeah, right away. I met Rocuse and headed for Agult first. And when I got into the royal palace, he suddenly disappeared."

Then the king of Ziara scrubbed his beard again and again.

"... hmm, I see. It's different from my time."

"Yeah. It was a while ago, wasn't it?"

"Hmm. That's when I took the throne. He disappeared all of a sudden."

"Is that so?" Then the purpose is fulfilled. "

"Hmm. That's what happens."

So you've been with me for quite a while, right?

Then King Ziala shook his head slowly to the side.

"No, it was just a year or so."

Gaius was also surprised at this.

"One year? In just one year, you became king from the seventh place of the throne?"

King Ziala nodded slowly.

"Yes, for a year or so, I became king."

Then Gaius gulped his eyebrows and gave a suspicious expression.

"That sounds like a pretty lousy conversation to me."

King Ziala smiled at the falconry.

"Yeah, I think so too."

Gaius jumped up one eyebrow.

Is it true that Rocuse leapt out of nowhere you didn't know about?

King Ziara did not nod this time.

King Gialla stared into Gaius' eyes with a straight face and slowly opened his mouth.

"Hmm. I think so. That's why he disappeared the last time."

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