Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,657 Encounters

So, what happened after that?

Gaius told me to rush ahead.

King Ziala smiled and resumed his conversation.

"Rocuse turned his right hand and blew out the guards."


"Yes, all of a sudden."

"Hmm, there's so much blood in it."

King Gialla laughed at Cook.

"That's right, suddenly without chanting." The guards would have been devoured. "

"Ahh, surely you didn't chant Lokuz." So what happened after that? "

"The guards were blown up, but they all stood up and rescued immediately."

I see. It wasn't magic that would inflict fatal injuries.

"Hmm. I'm not familiar with it either, but it seemed like a gust of wind."

Ahh, well then, Windstorm or something like that, right?

"Well, there weren't any injuries anyway."

I mean, that's intimidating.

King Ziala nodded heavily.

"Hmm. After blowing it off, Rocuse turned to me and spoke to me."

What did you say?

"You said you wanted to serve me first."

Gaius shook his head many times.


“Well, I'll show you what I can do and pitch you first. It's a common hand."

But it's still working, isn't it?

King Ziala nodded again.

"Hmm. I had a lot of blood, too." I liked it right away. "

"That's why I took it."

"No, I put it on hold for now."

Well, I told you I had a lot of blood, so I'm not very careful.

Of course, I don't know how to do it at that stage.

Gaius nodded.

"That's true, too." I don't know if I'm good at it. After all, I want to suddenly approach and serve the words that let go of my magic. "

"That's right, and it happened in a village that happened to stop by on its way home from a hunt." It's only natural to think that there might be an act. "

Gaius nodded a great deal.

"Sure. Lokuz was waiting for you in the village." The reason I stopped by the village... was because I was thirsty? "

"That's right."

"In that case, from the point of view of Rocuse, it's not predictable." It's only natural to be cautious. "

And the king of Ziara said, Nodding slowly.

“That's why I ordered you to come with me as a hold for now.”

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