Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2662 Doubt

"Hmm, that's interesting... what was so interesting about it, by the way?"

In response to Gaius' question, King Ziara answered suddenly.

"My position has risen."

Do you have the right to inherit the throne?

When Gaius asked with surprise, King Ziala replied, lightly shaking his head to the side.

"No, I still don't have the right to inherit the throne." But I obviously felt the sequence rising in the court. "

Gaius bowed his head unexpectedly.

"... I don't really understand the meaning of this."

"Hmm. This is not explicit, unlike the right to inherit the throne." But I could see that the sequence was changing steadily. "

"... hmm, the sequence in the court... is that something you can see?"

“Hmm. I can see that.”


When Gaius asked without putting his hair in his heart, King Gialla replied suddenly.

"Because the superiors have disappeared one after another."

Then Gaius gave a surprised expression.

"Could that be... an assassination?"

King Ziala waved with a bitter smile.

"No, it's not. It's not."

Then why did he disappear?

"Illness and death."

Gaius sends a skeptical look with his face diagonal.

Really ~?

King Ziara replied with a laugh.

“True, I have no doubt about that. We were all elderly."

Oh, I see. The order in the court has nothing to do with the right to inherit the throne.

“Of course, compared to the royalty and grand nobility in the court.”

In other words, everyone who has the right to inherit the throne is young, but that's not the case with regard to the order in the court.

"That's right. Some people are very powerful, even if they're not royalty." On the other hand, even if they were born to royalty, some of them would be bewildered by no one. "

Hmm, did the top players in that sequence die of illness after illness?

"Yes, it's not like he died suddenly. I heard that everyone was sick. But they all died at the same time."

At some point?

After Rocuse showed up.

Then Gaius tilted his head again.

"Huh? There's such a coincidence ~?"

"However, as I said earlier, they complained that they were less fit than before, that they were old in the first place, and that there was nothing suspicious about them."

But Gaius' suspicions didn't go away.

"No, that's suspicious, isn't it?" I don't care what you think. "

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