Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2664 Faction

I told you earlier that I'm not very interested in territorial management.

Gaius said, and King Ziara smiled bitterly to argue.

“That's why I told you it was appropriate. No matter how hard you try to run your territory, you can't become a king. That's why it's just the way it is."

"Even though you're a good lord?" You seem to be saying that you are very capable? "

Gaius said sarcastically.

Then the king of Ziara replied without any misgivings.

"Hmm. I won't deny it. Of course, but I think the people loved it."

"Well, it's quite reasonable to say it yourself." But after that, I'm actually the king. Is that so? "

King Gialla laughed when Gaius said mischievously.

Well then, let's do that.

Gaius also laughed and said.

"Okay, so what happened to the Faction's invitation?"

"No thanks, I've been quiet for a while."

“You're working hard. You don't have to join any faction right away. It's better to scatter them and then sell them at a high price."

"Hmm. I thought I'd stick it as hard as I could." It was the same idea for Rocuse. ”

"And Lokuz... so I guess you've already decided which faction you want to join?"

Then the king of Ziala nodded heavily.

"Hmm. Not from the very beginning, but over time, I've been able to understand the situation." I joined a faction at the right time. "

Huh, what kind of faction was it?

"A faction of young nobles."

"Young nobles... don't seem too strong, though."

That's right. It wasn't a strong faction because there were no powerful aristocrats and no royalty.

"Why did you join such a faction?"

"First of all, I didn't have any royalty other than myself."

Gaius nodded convincedly.

“I understand that, because without other royalty, you will be important to that faction.”

"That's right, it's a rarity." The second reason is that there was no elderly. ”

"Because if there are elderly people, their opinions will not be shared."

“There was a reason for that, but there was a reason for that.”

"Is that any reason...?"

As Gaius twisted his neck, King Ziala replied with a bitter smile.

"If you're young, you won't die first." Dozens of people died in the last few days. Don't you think it's humane to think that it might continue after that? "

And the king of Ziara said unto him, Behold, he raised up his tongue with Ziari.

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