Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 2,673 What is politics?

"It's a foreign country... it's embarrassing..."

Gaius frowned.

King Ziala laughed and said with a laugh.

"Oh, that's troublesome. Of course, the minds of others are the weakness of our country." But as a threesome, I want a little help. That's why I forgave the interference of other countries. "

"But the king was still alive then, wasn't he?" Your father. "

"Hmm. But my father..."

King Ziara remembered the past and gave a sad expression.

Gaius could not read the meaning of the expression and tilted his neck.

"Yeah? What's wrong?"

And the king of Gialla was slightly depressed, and lifted up his face, and smiled, and said,

"No, the king hasn't been around much since then."

"Can't you come out?" Why... oh, I see. "

Gaius felt the grief of King Ziala and said with an ungrateful expression.

"I'm sorry, that's right. I lost both of my sons in a row, so I'm going to fall asleep."

King Ziala lifted up his right hand and took Gaius' feelings.

"No, I'm sorry, I've become sentimental. I thought I could talk a little more calmly, but I don't think so."

"That's right. That's what old stories are all about. It's only natural to be stingy."

King Ziala smiled loudly.

"Right, let's keep talking." The ancestors did not intervene in the tripartite struggle after all. "

Until the end? Not once?

"Yeah. Not once."

"... that's how shocked I was." So what happened to the triads? "

"There was a fierce struggle. By the tongue in the court, and by the sword outside the court."

"Sword!? No way to kill each other?"

King Ziala nodded deeply.

"Yes, this is exactly what the bloody struggle was all about."

Gaius shrugged his head unexpectedly.

Is that what this is all about… I wonder if any of the foreign forces have ever infiltrated it?

And king Ziala answered a moment ago.

"There will be. The more chaos they cause in our country, the more it will be in our own interest." I don't know if he was screaming at all. "

"Hmm, I hate it." What is international politics? "

“That's right. But you can't do politics because it's bad."

"I know, but come on, it's kind of dark."

Then King Ziala said with a bitter smile.

"Politics is inherently dark. Most of the time it is the last stage, such as what is done under the bright sun, and most of the time until then it is done in dim shade".

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