Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,680 Collision

“An army you can't possibly be in? The army will not come down. Didn't you first move another army and bowl it up?"

When Gaius said so, King Ziala laughed.

“That's right. The Third Prince's army was trying to get a better spot in the fog.”

"In other words, the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince pulled Baba." Now the fifth prince has a great advantage. "

Even as Gaius was about to cut off, King Gialla laughed.

Gaius looked at it and tilted his neck.

"Wasn't that the case? But the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince could not be expected in the fog, and bumped into each other directly in front of them, right? If you don't fight, the Fifth Prince, who is saving his strength, will definitely have the advantage."

But when he saw King Ziala with a smile on his face, Gaius finally twisted his neck.

"Hmm? Don't you understand?" Explain it to me. "

Gaius raised his hands and surrendered.

King Ziala laughed heavily.

"Okay, let me explain." Only a few minutes after the Third Prince and the Fourth Prince bumped into each other directly in front of them, the Fifth Prince also bumped into both of their armies. "

Gaius was surprised and shouted out loud.


"It's not surprising." The Fifth Prince was moving through the fog to find a better place. "

Well then, after all three of you have moved around, you mean you've made a bowl!

“Sounds like it. Thinking is all the same.”

"No, but... where did the three armies collide with each other?"

"On a small hill they were about to take. I ran up the hill from three directions, and when I thought about laying down the formation, the three armies struck a brilliant bump."

"Is there such a coincidence...?"

Gaius unexpectedly leaked a word, to which King Ziala suddenly replied.

“I don't think so”

"Huh? Oh, you think so too?"

“Of course, no matter what, it's just a coincidence.”

”I see... it's too much to be a coincidence...”

Gaius turned his head and saw King Ziala.

King Ziala had already retracted his smile, and spoken with a true face.

"Probably got caught up in the plot."

Gaius nodded convincedly.

"I see. Someone pulled the drawing..."

Gaius snorted like that, and the next moment, he had a happy expression on his face.

No way!

And he took the word of Gaius, and king Ziala said with a harsh voice.

"I don't think so. I think it was Rocuse who probably used the scheme."

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