Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,686: Succession Competition

"Oh my God... it's suddenly a serious situation"

King Gialla laughed bitterly at Gaius' words.

"Hmm. You're right." The conflicts in various places have grown bigger over time. "

"Ughh, well, it won't fit if the substitute document is ignored..."

Yeah, and there's a lot of foreigners behind it.

"Oh, by the way, you said it." What were the foreigners doing? "

He said, "Looks like you were raising your blood to connect the disturbance with the commotion."

"Do you want to connect the disturbance with the commotion?"

Gaius tilted his head, not making much sense.

Then King Gialla began to speak plainly, even if it was true.

"Let's say A and B were fighting in a certain territory."

Gaius nodded and listened with a serious expression to the story of King Gialla.

"And C and D are fighting in the territory next to it." These two disturbances are different, but what if A and C joined forces? "

"Oh, is that so?" First of all, B and D will form a team, right? "

“Hmm. We spread it out in a way that foreigners can broker.”

You're planning to weaken me even further.

“That's right, and it was a really effective gesture.”

Is it getting bigger and bigger?

"Yeah, unfortunately."

"Too many places to put down."

"Hmm. And it took me a while to reorganize my army." We weren't in a situation where we could immediately launch an army to quell it. "

It's a lot of problems, isn't it?

Gaius said in amazement.

King Ziala also laughed bitterly and said:

"Exactly, but there was one thing that was in my favor."

Oh, what's going on?

"The territory of the Six Princes was a land where there was no struggle for succession."

"Did the princes have no children?"

"No, there were two third princes and one fourth prince."

"Well then..."

"But all three of them were girls." In Japan, girls are treated as princesses when they enter the court, but there is a rule that they cannot become lords who rule the realm. "

"I see... the territory of the six princes..."

King Gialla answered Gaius' question suddenly.

"It's mine now."

"It's huge!"

"Hmm. It's the prince's business." Besides being bigger than the other powerful ones, the location is all at the strategic juncture. I got six of them without difficulty. "

I see. We just need to reorganize our forces.

King Ziala nodded contentedly.

Hmm. And it finally took shape three months after the Civil War.

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