Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2689 Faith

So that's how it settled down?

In response to Gaius' question, King Gialla nodded slowly.

"Hmm, that's right. Of course, a lot of things happened after that. But then again, it wasn't as important as leading an army. And loosely, I shall be recognized by all as king."

"and officially inherit the throne."

And the king of Ziara nodded slowly, and with great weight.

"Yes, and that night... Rocuse appeared in my bedroom."

Gaius pinned it.

"I'm here to say goodbye."

“Yes, Rocuse said he was done for.”

Then Gaius' right eyebrow buttocks rose.

"Your role is over... is that really the purpose of the throne? Wasn't it more or less?"

"At least, Rocuse left me there." In other words, he definitely left without benefiting from anything. "

"Yeah, it's definitely not for standing or money. But... on the throne... so... ummm?"

Gaius twisted his neck, unable to gauge the sincerity of Rocuse.

And I remembered the Rocuse in my memory and said:

"Well, I didn't seem to have any particular purpose at the time." It's just that I've been taught the Book... "

King Ziala nodded.

"Hmm. Same as I did."

Gaius twisted his neck again and said, looking directly at King Ziala's eyes.

"Rocuse said he had received the Book. But he did not say who gave the Book. Did you hear that?"

Then king Ziara also twisted his neck.

“Who is the name of God?”

"Oh, I didn't ask who the god he believed in was because Rocuse was gone for too short a period of time, but what religion did he believe in in the first place?"

King Ziala shook his head.

"Come on, I didn't hear that either. For I myself am not a believer. I didn't even want to hear it."

"I see... then I can't help it." Well, anyway, he said goodbye and left. "

"Yes, but before that, I made another prophecy."

"Another prophecy?"

King Ziala said with a smile.

“I told you. Some day, a man from a distant future will appear before my eyes."

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