Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,692: Militarization

Gaius closed his eyes to the words of King Ziala.

And he said, slowly opening his eyelids.

"All right, let's hurry to unite." I'm worried about King Belk, but if we unite the five kingdoms: Gialla, Belk, Rogue, Agult, and Zavan, there will be no way for King Belk to hide anything. Isn't that right? "

King Ziala drew his chin deeply and nodded heavily.

"Yes, if you can bring together the five countries you've been involved with, you'll become a superpower that boasts about a fifth of the Melissa continent." If that happens, the unification of the Melissa Continent will be a real story. "

Gaius also nodded deeply.

"That's right. If only five countries could be unified, it would be the birth of a superpower."

Hmm. It's comparable to the northern superpower, Eurasia.

"Eurasia? Are there as many superpowers as five combined?"

Then King Giara marveled at Gaius' ignorance.

"You didn't even know Eurasia existed?"

Gaius blushed as he blew his head.

"No, I'm not distracted by this world."

Even though I'm from the future, I don't know what I'm talking about.

Well, that's right, but come on... even if I didn't know about it, I couldn't have done it before.

"So you think it'll work until the end?"

"No, I'll take this as an opportunity to study. I reflected on it."

King Gialla unexpectedly laughed bitterly at Gaius' reflection.

"Interesting guy. Now, how about you study?" Is it possible to bring five countries together? "

Gaius put his arms around him as usual.

He curled his mouth, tilted his neck, and thought deeply.

She slowly opened her mouth with a difficult face clasping her eyebrows.

"First of all, why do you recommend the unification of the five countries?"

King Ziara responded immediately to Gaius' question.

"The neighboring countries are at peace now, but this peace will be broken anyway." In fact, Berk is not the only one who has recently become a militarized power. In the first place, I see another country trying to become a military power, and I think that King Berk steered in the same direction. "

"Another country militarized? What kind of country is that?"

To Gaius' natural question, King Gialla gave him a rugged expression.

"The name would have appeared earlier." The northern superpower, Eurasia. Eurasia was the first to conceive of militarization, and it was the first time that the neighboring countries launched one arms build-up after another. ”

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