Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,700 Deeds

So what happens next if both countries get killed?

Enneth answered Gaius' question suddenly.

You'll be heading south, won't you?

"I mean, they're going to attack Gialla."

Enneth shook her head slowly to the side.

“No, I told you Ziara doesn't border Eurasia.”

"Oh, that's right. What country is north of Ziara?"

"Mando and Kuroku."


"Yes, Mando is located northwest of Ziara." Located in the northeast is Kuroku. "

Gaius nodded and added the presence of both countries to the map in his head.

"Are the two countries big?"

“No, that's moderate.”

Smaller than Ziara?

“Yes, the two countries together are no more than Gialla.”

Hmm, well then, if Eurasia attacked me, I won't be able to stop it.

“That's right, and Gialla will be there to help.”

Enneth's words made Gaius' eyebrows twitch.

"Even that kind of promise?"

“Yes, not so much an alliance, but an old one.”

“Deal. Doesn't seem to make much sense, but geopolitically speaking, the next thing we need is a Ziala, so it's better to join the fight as soon as you get in than wait for the two countries to perish.”

"Yes, so the ancestors didn't have to make a hard covenant to do what they promised."

“I agree, which means we're at war with Eurasia, right?”

Enneth nodded with a strange look at Gaius' question.

But immediately, the ellace on the side slammed in.

"But, onee-sama, it's not that soon, is it?" Because Eurasia is still in conflict. "

Enneth answered her sister with a smile.

“Yes, of course, because this is one way or another.”

And now Gaius put in a rampage.

"But there's always something coming."

Erace told him to throw up in frustration.

"I don't know yet!" Don't tell me what to do! "

Gaius grinned, even as he paused his shoulders.

"No, it's coming." That's what Enneth thinks. The reason is the new king of Eurasia. "

Then Enneth nodded with an eyebrow.

"Yeah. Right. That's... I can't see the bottom." Probably coming. "

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