Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 273: Good News

"Augros, no, Gaius."

As he entered the room, Agurt XIII, sitting on the throne, called out to Gaius.

Gaius nodded and said.

"It doesn't matter which one." Well, Gaius is getting called in, so maybe it'll help. "

Well, let's go with Gaius.


"What do you want, by the way?"

Agult XIII quickly urged him to get down to business.

Gaius said everything he wanted.

I was thinking of getting a country at last.

Agult XIII was not particularly surprised.

Well, then, can I think that the policy for the future has been firmly established?

Gaius nodded vigorously.

“Yeah, I'll start by forming a five-country alliance.”

Well, the five countries you visited are Agurt, Rogue, Zavan, Belk, and Ziara?

“That's right. You knew I was going to Ziara.”

"Of course, your trend is very important to our country." Of course, spies have reported it. "

That's right. Then you can talk to me soon.

“But do the other four countries agree?”

"Gialla and Rogue are fine. Belk is almost like my kingdom without a king, and Zavan is the only one left, but if the four countries around him are going to unite, why not join us? I'm going to go see her and take a demonstration."

"Hmm. How about four kings from all four kingdoms, including me, gather in Zaban?" Located in the middle of four countries. "

"Nah, that's good enough." Then do you need to be able to obey Zaban's royal family first? "

That's right.

"Okay, I'll go to Zaban for a bit." I'll contact you if I can obey you, thank you. "

Agult XIII took it upon himself.

"Okay, I'll be waiting."

Gaius waved at the end of the conversation.

"Well then, I'll be right there." I'll see you in Zavan next time. "

Agult XIII smiled and sent Gaius away.

"Hmm. I'm waiting for the good news."

Gaius nodded and quickly returned his heel.

She walked through the room with her big strands, opened the door, and left.

Agult XIII, who saw off, laughed bitterly and snorted.

"He's always a very nice guy. Even so, after Rogue, you convinced Ziala in a short time. It's a wonderful thing."

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