Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,712: Giving Up

"... let's not. We can't do anything about it." It just doesn't seem like it's possible... "

Gaius had no choice but to give up on his previous incompatibilities with the area.

"Shit... I've never seen anyone like this before." It's kind of hard to do.....

Gaius stood up from the bench and sighed loudly.

"There is... someone who doesn't fit in like that at all..."

Gaius fluttered his tongue lightly.

"In that case, the cats and crows will chirp at such a timing." it's impossible..... "

Gaius continued to whisper his folly, saying that he had given up.

"Could that area be my natural enemy?" That's right, something always happens at a bad time, and it doesn't go as well as I think. Not once or twice. If so, I don't think it's a coincidence. In the first place, he's under a lot of pressure. "

So Gaius switched directions and turned to the bright downtown area, the opposite of where the neighborhood was.

"But hey, I don't think that's true." I'm just a clerk... I don't know if that's true. No, I don't think so. He's the one who's under the pressure. It definitely came from him. I've already confirmed that. but.... "

Gaius couldn't think well and was in trouble.

But Gaius, exhaling a big sigh, divided his thoughts for the time being, and strengthened his aura and flew towards the downtown area.

But the speed was somewhat slow.

"Hmm, I really don't care about that area... isn't it something special?"

Gaius looked at the neighborhood, looking at the downtown shining in the distance.

"I don't know... I feel like I'm going to get stuck in front of me one of these days... but I can't imagine what it's like at all..."

Gaius leaned his head back again.

"Well, I don't know how much I've thought about it." Then no matter how much you think about it, it's useless. If the day comes when the area will be blocked in front of me, it's time to think about it. "

With that in mind, Gaius switched to high-speed flight towards downtown.

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