Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2715: Person in Charge

"Damn it! Area! You changed your route! If this happens, I will push you directly to the workplace!"

Gaius threw away the line of delay and told her to throw up as if she had definitely changed her route and expressed anger in her mind.

And when I exploded the aura in an instant, I jumped up quickly.

"Wait! Collar!"

Gaius exploded the aura and flew off toward the barracks.

Gaius quickly reached the barracks and descended to the roof.

Then, leaving the door to the momentum, he opened the door forcefully, and went down the staircase by three steps.

Gaius, who no longer intended to hide, walked down the hallway with his big strands.

And I opened the door of the room where the area worked without leaving.

Where is the area?

Gaius shouted as he entered the office.

The ten or so staff members inside were surprised and unable to speak out.

Moreover, Gaius' appearance was so terrifying that the staff were loudly surprised, but they were afraid that no one would speak out.

Where is the area?

Once again, Gaius said that someone who seemed to be the person in charge of him who was very old raised his hips and called out to him as if he could not help it.

"Ah, um... what can I do for you, Area?"

Asked by the person in charge, Gaius raised his eyebrows and slightly tilted his neck.

"Huh?... oh yeah... what can I do for you... what should I say... anyway, where is the area?"

Gaius asked too legitimate a question and told him to go against it.

But the person in charge didn't look good and had a temper.

"No, then... I can't answer you, but..."

Then Gaius got stuck in words.

"No, that's not it... it's not like I'm going to make a claim..."

"Hah... what can I do for you?"

"No, that's why... you're in the area... and you know who you are."

"... um... did you say... who you really are?"

"No, you know, I might think it's weird, but... I mean, the area isn't just for people..."

"Hah... I'm not sure, but I can't say that."

The person in charge decided that Gaius was completely strange, and he pushed it.

"No, that's... I guess..."

I'm sorry, but please pick it up.

Gaius looked over the office and received a cold gaze from all directions, but he checked the absence of the area and left the room behind.

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