Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2718: Unwell

"... everything I do and do is behind me..."

Gaius was deeply exhausted.

”Tough... really tough...”

Gaius dropped his shoulder and walked bumpily to the hotel where he stayed last night.

"I don't know what to do... I can't seem to find my home until I know what to do."

Gaius deeply regretted losing sight of the area yesterday.

"Hah... I wonder why I lost you yesterday..."

It was Gaius heading to the hotel with a heavy footsteps, but I remembered that it was there.

"Ah! That's right. Why didn't you notice this?" I started chasing the area because I felt intense pressure in the first place. Then look for that pressure and you'll find an area there. I don't know why you didn't notice this.... "

Gaius wondered if he had managed to do something about Nacchan's head, and shook his head many times.

"Good! Then let's look for the first place we lost sight of yesterday." I'm sure you'll feel that strange pressure. "

As soon as Gaius decided to do so, he jumped up and released the aura.

The people around her seemed surprised and flustered, but it didn't matter to Gaius.

As Gaius looked far away, he flew toward it at a tremendous speed.

It was around here, wasn't it?

When Gaius got to the location where he lost sight of the area last night, he concentrated.

And I searched for the pressure that the area would be under.

"... I don't feel anything... it doesn't seem to be around here"

Still, Gaius walked with his mind focused.

The neighborhood walked in this direction last night.

Gaius walked slowly, remembering yesterday.

I walked straight, straight and straight.

But I didn't feel any pressure when I walked about ten minutes.

"Do you live farther away? I don't think we're going in the wrong direction... let's walk a little bit further."

Gaius walked slowly, concentrating.

I walked with my eyebrows closed, trying to feel the pressure.

But I still couldn't feel the pressure.

"It's strange... why don't you feel it?"... by the way, the area wasn't always under pressure... "

Gaius came here and remembered it.

"I'm not feeling well and I'm resting, so maybe I'm not under any pressure..."

Gaius felt so tired here that he opened his mouth and fell into a daze.

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