Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 2,734: Prestige

”Magnificent... I wonder if it will work so well?”

Princess Saila's eyes shone brightly.

But Gaius was not timid and said more.

"If you go, it's your word. If you don't go, it's a form of intimidation." I think intimidation is one of the ways in which diplomacy narrows the other side's options. "

"Hmm, why don't you slap your mouth in the wind?"

"But you're right."


Princess Saila said that, turning lightly to her side.

Gaius shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey, that's why I'm begging you. Take care of it so I can see King Zavan. I think this is the best way to solve it peacefully."

Then Princess Sala turned to Gaius and said:

“So what are you going to do if you don't get this way?”

Of course, that's not a peaceful way to do it, right?

Oh, for example, how?

I'm forced to use force against the king.

"Oh, it's a noise." Do you think it'll work that way? "

For the first time, that's how it worked in the first agglut.

"Hmm, Agult is a country of Tsubaki." That's why I may have made you obedient by demonstrating overwhelming force, but Japan is not a country with such a climate. "

Well then, I'll ask you the other way around, but what kind of country is Xavan?

Then Princess Saila shrugged her shoulders and said with a semi-selfish molestation.

You're always frightened of the neighboring countries, and you're always protecting them.

"Then it would be best to make it into a five-country alliance." Zaban is the country in the middle of the five. If we join forces with the four nations that surround us, there will be no threat of invasion. It's going to be a long time. "

Then Princess Sala laughed molestly.

Gaius was concerned about the attitude and asked.

"Is there something wrong with you from before?" Isn't it a bit self-abusive... to laugh at yourself? "

Then Princess Saila nodded with a grumpy look.

"Yeah. You're mocking me. I'm tired of being locked up in a country like a turtle.

"Then it would be convenient for you." You can get out of the armor. "

Princess Sala twisted the edge of her mouth and said with the most molested smile she had ever had.

"Hmm, that's an impossible consultation." It is not up to me to decide Zaban's fate. My father, the king. And the king will never listen to you. I know that very well. "

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