Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 2741: The Guard

Excuse me!

Gaius opened the door to the king's room in a violent manner and shouted at him.

The waiters inside were surprised, shaking their bodies, but the king himself was calm.

"I told you to back off."

The king said in a troublesome manner, lying on the bed.

But I'm not going back to Gaius anymore.

"I need to talk to you."

I can't help it.

Gaius rushed towards King Zaban, who seemed to be in trouble all the time, to the side of the bed.

Then he drew his face close to King Zaban's face and said.

"Even if it's not for you, I have it."

Then King Zaban stared at Gaius with a stunned gaze.

"Rude. Back off."

Suddenly, the back door was opened with a loud noise.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty."

At the front of the door stood those thought to be guards, and the leading guardsman said with a deep bow.

"Fine, pull this one up."


And the near guards, having obtained the king's permission, entered into the king's midst at once, and besieged Gaius ten or twenty times.

Huh, you've been hiding there till now?

Then the captain of the guards replied earlier.

"Yes, we cannot enter the king's quarters on our own." Until I get His Majesty's forgiveness. "

Gaius laughed with his nose.

"Ah, so now I have the king's permission, what are you going to do?"

"I'll get rid of you."

You think you can do it?

"I have to do it." That's the royal order. "

Then Gaius laughed.

With that mouth, you seem to know me.

The captain of the Guard swallowed the swallow.

"I know. It must be Augros."

“That's right. So what do we do?”

Then, the words of Gaius were triggered, and everyone swept at the same time.

However, Gaius did not intend to be slaughtered, so he activated the Windstorm with no chanting at that moment.

The wind blew without a sound, and in an instant a storm blew between the kings.

The near guards, of course, try to blow up the king's bed.

But the servants restrained themselves on the couch.

Gaius looked at it and inadvertently spurted out.

And it converged Windstorm.

Well, that's the beginning, but how was it?

That's what Gaius said to King Zaban.

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