Reincarnation Monarch

Episode Three Hundred and Two: In the Huge Entrance Hall

When Gaius arrived at the shocking pink building after the dove, he imagined that, due to its enormity, the Lord's Delkia would be about the same size as this building.

However, the entrance to the building was rather small compared to the portal.

"... smaller doors, eh? ……

Gaius tried to put what he thought into his mouth.

Then Dove stared at Gaius, smiling bitterly.

"... I don't have a brother-in-law, but let me give you some advice. I wouldn't be surprised to see Master Delkia. And without even thinking about what I thought to myself, you should stop putting it in your mouth right away..."

Dove quickly turned to the entrance door, saying so, and just opened the door and went inside.

Gaius couldn't weigh the meaning of what Dove said, and thought he couldn't wait to be left behind, although he twisted his neck slightly, and rushed into the building after Dove.

Then it popped into Gaius's eyes that there was an uninterrupted and enormous entrance hall going on everywhere.

Gaius was greatly surprised by the enormity of it, and stopped and opened his mouth gently and stood still for a while.

"... so good! … this is too unbalanced with the entrance…"

Dove was just going through the hall as Gaius whispered his thoughts at nothing.

Gaius saw it and rushed into a small run to follow it.

But after catching up with Dove, the difference in stride between the two forced Gaius to keep running in a much smaller run, and when he ended up with about enough light jogging, he finally reached the door opposite the entrance hall.

"... wait here a long time..."

Dove says no, he opened the door and walked into the back room.

Even though Gaius ran out of breath and ran off on a small run, he felt that he had lost some money in what had been immediately left in Dove.

"... I'm tired... I should have magically flown without running if this was the case... damn it!

Gaius gently kicked the door for a little distraction.

Then suddenly, a lovely but angry voice rang from behind Gaius.

"Hey you! Why are you kicking people's doors!?"

When Gaius turned to his surprise, there was a very cute but slightly busy little back-length girl standing about shoulder-width apart in a brave outfit with her hands on her hips.

"... surprised - don't be surprised. My heart is going to stop because I was suddenly called from behind... oh, of course I'm sorry I kicked in the door. I apologize. I'm sorry?

When Gaius honestly apologized, the girl nodded loudly with her neck vertically.

"I apologize, so I'll let you go!

"Thank you. By the way, you live in this mansion?

"Yes. I live"

"That's right... you're not such a dick as Delkia's daughter, are you?

"What are you talking about? You. That can't be happening."

"... right? You're not such a boring prick, are you? Sorry, sorry."

"I don't know much about Othi, but I'm not Delkian's daughter, I'm Delkian myself, though?

And Gaius was half-eyed, and drew his cheeks, and he was hardened like a vault for a while.

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