Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 355: Eil McLacan

"Yes. It's a deterrent. It's all because of the deterrence that's shaping the border."

The young man shook an extraordinary smile as to whether he was pleased with Gaius' brilliance.

Gaius also continued the conversation with pleasure inside.

"Right. There are many different forms of deterrence, but the strongest of them all is that there are no small countries where military might strike a powerful country."

"Yeah, it is. Border lines are drawn for a variety of reasons, and for a variety of reasons they are maintained, but the most powerful thing is that military power is powerful after all. And it's the power of the state that makes it possible. Even though the country is weak, it will not have a country that has only increased its military power. The stronger the military, the greater the cost of maintaining it. Soon the economy will collapse. So retaining a strong military force means that the economy is also powerful."

"Indeed, the economy of a nation that maintains such a large city cannot be weak. It's a good thing your brother is relieved to see this view."

Gaius nodded one big nod at the cloudy sea lined with artificial buildings on the vast edge.

"Yeah, it is. So when I always come to Odine, I climb up to this tower of sights and relieve myself by seeing this view... yes, you hadn't named me yet. My name is Ayle. It's Ayle McLacan. Nice to meet you."

Ayle offered her right hand with a full smile.

Gaius introduced himself with a full smile as he gripped his hand firmly and powerfully with his right hand.

"I'm Gaius. This is Gaius Schneider from Elmur, a province of the Republic of Valentin."

Then at that moment, Ayle showed a slight face.

And I asked Gaius like I was afraid.

"... Valentin's Schneider... you don't mean that Schneider family, do you?... that one of the best houses on the coast, the Schneider family child, who spawned the cabinet for five generations... No, you don't have a baby, do you? ……

Gaius then said that each one looked a little bad.

"... no... well... I'm from that Schneider family..."

Then Ayle was amused and surprised to the contrary.

"... really?... of that Schneider family?... Boy? ……

"... yes, well, yes"

"Sorry! Tell me all about it!

"No, no, no! That's outrageous! I studied!

"No, no, no! I really don't know what to say anymore, I'm sorry I gave a great lecture to the Schneider family boy!

"No, no, no, no! Because it's done me a lot of good! Don't say it like that!

"............ really? ……

"It's true. And it was so much fun. I'd like to talk to Mr. Ayle more if I could."

Then Ayle stroked his chest down relieved and returned to the full smile earlier.

"Right - that's good. No, I'm relieved."

Gaius saw Ayle smile and his heart dusted a little, but there was one thing he cared about, so he decided to try hitting Ayle with it.

"By the way, what kind of work is Mr. Ayle? I don't think he's a normal worker."

Then Ayle answered with an extraordinary smile and a gentle tone.

"Well, speaking of which, you still haven't said what I do. Sorry. Actually, my job is to be a politician. I'm still deputy governor of Manaham on the border with Lowenglin."

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