Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 358: At the Clothing Store

"Now how do we infiltrate the papal administration... but first we have to get some proof of the Zexians..."

Gaius looked over at the shops along the street to the papal office in Honmaru and looked for a store where he was likely to get a hooded robe for the Zexians.

Shortly afterwards, the apparel store in a fairly upscale looking store caught my eye.

"... why don't you just come in..."

Gaius decided that the infiltrator was also the papal agency, and that it would be more advantageous to get a fancy one than to get a cheap robe, and this one also decided to enter a standing clothing store that looked fancy.


When Gaius pushed the clear glass door open and stepped into the store, the welcome words from the young ladies, who seemed to be sellers, were poured down, by the way.

(That's a fancy store, it sounds like no one makes fun of you for thinking you're a kid. proof of good education)

Gaius quietly walked over to the closest female clerk when he was satisfied with the clerks' first voice.

"Excuse me. Can a Zex robe be tailored in this store?

Then the female clerk smiled with a smile and answered with great affection.

"Yes. Don't worry. We can tailor anything we want."

"Good. Then I'd like to ask you a favor."

"Yes, I did. Sir, please come this way."

The female clerk had to take Gaius to the reception couch in the back of the store in a flowing motion.

Gaius followed it and walked quietly in a relaxed motion, acting like a guest worthy of a luxury store while dressed as a child, lowered his back to a sofa so soft that his body could be buried nearly half way.

Then the female clerk, who saw Gaius's standing behavior, said while showing a catalogue made of fairly fine paper, smiling more fine than earlier.

"Sir, do you have any wishes about the fabric we will tailor?

Gaius ran left and right through the catalog open by the female clerk, but he had no idea which fabric was suitable for a robe for the Zexians.

"... I'm not sure, so can you please do it all with the finest? Actually, I'm going to the papal administration after this, so I'd like to ask you to be rude to everyone."

Then the female clerk said she still had more smiles to hide than she had earlier, and replied forcefully as she behaved sparingly with a smile that was once more superb than any other smile she had ever had.

"Yes! Yes, I did! I'll take care of everything!

That said, the female clerk left a superb smile and quietly disappeared into the back of the store.

(Well, it would be a lot more expensive, but I can't do this. How more should we infiltrate the papal administration after this... this is where the idea comes in...)

When Gaius slowly sank his body on the couch, he began to work out the plan ahead.

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