Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 365 Guide


"Oh well! You're the use of God, aren't you?

Dulm shook Gaius' hands vigorously and unexpectedly in the way of surprise and impatience.

Then Gaius looked strange and put on his little neck.

"The use of God? Am I?

"Oh, oh, no, I'm sorry I said something weird all of a sudden! As a matter of fact, I was revealed by God earlier. Really told me to follow a twelve-year-old boy named Gaius Schneider I'm going to meet after this today... it's true! I want you to believe me!

Darm took Gaius's hand in desperate shape and told him to plead.

Gaius then suddenly looked like he remembered something.

"Was it? No, actually, I just had a morning dream about God coming out of that dream to lead the people I meet today..."

"That's it!! I knew you were God's use!

"Yes... what is it?

"That's how it's decided! God said. When Gaius Schneider leads me!

"Really... then that wasn't a dream, it was God's revelation..."

"Yes! That's right! Mr. Gaius. Please, lead me!

"No, but even if they tell you to lead... what to do... why don't you go into the store somewhere for now? Thank you. I think I've been drawing your attention from earlier..."

There was a dozen wild horses around the two of them, seeing as if adults were begging their children, wondering what had happened.

Although Darum first noticed what was going on around him when Gaius told him, and he rushed to start making some kind of excuse against the wild horses, Gaius, who bothered him, forced Darum to stay and pull, forcing him to drag him to a nearby restaurant.


"Nobody calls the police or anything more than I'm not making a scene about losing my excuse for a wild horse."

Gaius said that against Dulm in a slightly frightened manner as he lowered his back to the back seat of the restaurant.

Then Darm tried to excuse Gaius in the way he had healed.

"Yes, no, but I think that was an unambiguous misunderstanding, and I need to explain it to the people around me..."

"You don't have to worry so much. Look, look out the window. There's not another one of those wild horse people out there, is there? It just temporarily caught my attention, and we've all forgotten what happened just now."

"... well... and you're so calm, aren't you? That's the use of God..."

"No, well, they often say you're calm. We just don't know if it's God's use yet, do we?

Then Dulm stuffed Gaius in an excited way.

"I'm sure you're God's use! I got my revelation! I'm absolutely sure of it!

Gaius then gave Dulm an just plain look at his restless attitude.

"No, I get it... so what the hell am I supposed to lead?

Durm then frowned with a serious look and stuffed further into Gaius.

"... I'd like to hear your opinion on the crimes I've committed..."

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