Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 374: Crude Crates

"... there's nothing special about Bishop Lennon..."

Gaius groaned in a sighing mood as he searched Lennon's clerk's office without any dizzying results.

Then Dalm, still elusive in the corner of the room, noticed a crude wooden box at his feet.

"... I wonder what this is..."

"Yeah? What's going on?

When Gaius spoke, even now that he had entered Lennon's office, it should be noted that Darum, who did not want to be part of Gaius' actions, made a hasty denial.

"No, no, it wasn't something..."

"... a crate?... again that's a lot of blurry crate..."

Gaius, intrigued and approached Darum, put his hand in more or less its crude wooden crate.

Then at that moment, the feeling of Gaius' whole body hair being upside down suddenly curled up.

(What is this feeling!... I've felt this somewhere before... but that's not in this world... anyway, this guy is a pretty bad one!

Gaius let go of his hand, which brought him closer to the crate, and looked back and told Dalm.

"Mr. Dalm, can you touch this box?

Durm slowly bent over, looking a lot faint, touching the crate in horror.

"... touched it? ……

"Don't you feel anything in particular?

"... what? ……

"Really? Then have it. I don't need you in this room anymore. Let's get out of here."

"... you mean bring this crate out?... it's a thief..."

"You want me to lead you, don't you? Then listen to me."

Gaius said it coldly in a tone that made him say yes or no.

Durm then followed quietly with such faces as reluctance.

"Okay, let's go back to the restaurant."

"To the restaurant?... Then I wonder if it's obvious? ……

"Then is it also somewhere appropriate?

"... my house would be right around the corner..."

"That's good. Let us decide to interrupt Mr. Durm's house. Do you mind?

"No, well, I don't mind..."

"So that's a decision. Now let's get out of here."

Gaius said or cut the lead and walked out to the office door.

Durm then sighed one loud sigh as he looked at the crate held in his arms with a nagging addition and subtraction.

"... Ha... Is that okay... I feel like I'm laying down a sin..."

Then Gaius looked back in front of the door and skipped the instructions sharply toward Darm.

"I'm coming! Mr. Dulm. Or are you telling me you want to stay in this room forever and someone will find you?

Once again, Dalm sighed one loud sigh and had no choice but to grab a wooden crate and head to the office door where Gaius waited.

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