Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 385: Break

"Let's just take a short break in this room"

As Gaius entered the small room, which was just a short stroll from the stroke, he sat down somewhere on top of the luggage that had been placed.

"Break? You just broke in?

Durm peered into Gaius's face with a strange look as he followed Gaius into the small room.

Gaius then attempted to mislead by coughing lightly.

"Hey, once you calm down, you don't know what's ahead, do you?

(... the magic of becoming air is a short time to use every time... so I don't know what I'm gonna do without a little rest. Shall I tell Mr. Dulm that I'm a demon mentor... No, Mr. Dulm believes that I'm God's use, so it's not a good idea to break it... he still manages to only train me in action so I can get used to continuous use...)

"Okay! So it's time to go"

Gaius stood up in full momentum as he unfolded the magic that would air again so Dalm wouldn't know.

"Oh, oh, what are you going to do now?

"Yeah, 'cause my heart's calmed down"

"Well, yeah... I hope so..."


Saying so, Gaius mumbled his hands on the door knob.

And when I turned my wrist for nothing, the door opened quietly again.

Gaius glanced out of the gap in the door, sneaking out that little head, and looked around to see what was going on.

"... you have no one. I'll be there."

Gaius looked back and told Dalm so, and immediately embarked on the hallway.

Then Dulm followed suit, and the two intrusion plays resumed.

"... let's go underground anyway... these old castles should always have a structural basement, and if you're going to be naughty, the basement, whether East or West, is more or less the market."

"... is that what it is?... Are you saying Sir Calvin is masterful?

"Yeah, I am. 'Cause if you're not masterful, you don't need to buy an old castle like this, do you?

"... may be... but Sir Calvin and I are more mischievous..."

Then Gaius blocked Darm's words.

"Oh, look, there's a staircase to the basement. Let's get off that one."

Gaius said, pointing to the spiral staircase that leads to the basement visible forward.

"... ah, oh. But..."

Darm was also suddenly frightened by great anxiety.

But Gaius ignored it and thrust it, and when he reached the spiral staircase, he looked back more or less.

"If you're not coming, I'll leave you. I'm good because I'm God's use, but I think Mr. Durm would probably be a hassle if he was found here, wouldn't he? 'Cause even though Bishop Lennon's men, you weren't asked about this ancient castle. If so, why are you here? That would mean, wouldn't it? If that's okay with you, stay here forever."

To Gaius's words, Dharma had no choice but to walk on to the spiral staircase.

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