Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 387: Juvenile

Darm approached the fearful lying boy.

The distance gradually narrowed, although it was a dam with heavy footprints on Gaius's nasty appearance.

But as soon as he arrived one step after touching the boy, his legs stopped moving, and Dalm looked back anxiously.

"... you're gonna touch it?... So, you're okay, right? ……

Then Gaius made a smile, even though he sweated like a ball all over his face, either to reassure Dalm.

"... I think you'll be fine..."

"... No, Mr. Gaius, you have a cramped face..."

"... well, is that right?... I don't think so..."

Gaius replied indelibly, hiking his right cheek.

"... no, it's totally convulsing... oh I hate it... I'm getting scared as soon as I..."

"... No, Mr. Dalm, it's okay... I guess..."

"I said maybe now! I said maybe!?"

Darm grabbed Gaius' verbal butt and blamed him violently.

"No, well, I did say maybe... but look, even that crate was fine"

"No, that was then, wasn't it? This could be different, right?

"No, but..."

Then suddenly the body of the sleeping boy moved pickly, and Gaius, who saw it, shook his body and shouted loudly.


Then Darm was surprised by the voice of that Gaius.

"Wow!!... what? Don't surprise me a bit!?"

Darm fiercely protested Gaius.

But looking at one point of Gaius and seeing the stunned look on his motionless face, Darm turned to the dreaded boy.

Then the boy who was supposed to have been asleep had his eyes slightly half-opened.


Dulm leaned back louder than earlier in surprise, falling back with the momentum as it stood and buttocks hard on the floor.

"... my eyes... Mr. Gaius, my eyes..."

But Gaius, who was called upon, was just completely silent that he couldn't be dealing with a Dulm opponent or something, just watching every move of the boy.

For this reason Darm shook his head violently with a frightened look, alternating between the boy and Gaius.

"... what can I do... what the hell can I do..."

Then there was a voice from an unexpected place in the darm of a voice that was about to cry.

"... yeah... yeah..."

The boy moaned so with such finesse and a weak voice.

Durm accidentally looked back at the boy violently, calling out freaking but whispering in a whisper.

"... Kim, you... are you okay? ……

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