Reincarnation Monarch

Episode Four Hundred Ten: GiveandTake

"... who I was seeing in hell? ……

Gaius answered Menontius' query with a parrot back.

That was also to buy time by doing it and get time to think.

(... this guy, why do you want to know who I was seeing in hell?... I'm not sure, but it looks like you should keep Lucifer's name down for now...)

"That's right. I want to know who you met in hell."

"... Come on, who did you meet - you don't remember very well -"

"Hmmm. Can you..."

"It's not like that. I really don't remember. I mean, there's this thin curtain hanging in my head, and it feels like I'm shaking like I'm blind to the memory room ahead of me."

Gaius cleverly arranged the lies he had come up with on this occasion.

"... well. Curtains...... what?

"Oh, when I try to trace my memory, that curtain shakes like a flicker and gets in the way."

"... and yet you only have a solid memory of de-limiting?

Gaius was stuck in words for a moment when he was poked where the pain was.

But soon he realized it was there and started fighting back.

"Well yes... did I tell you before that about de-limiting me? I did against Signus, but I think that was before you showed up?

Then Menontius laughed in a meaningful way.

"Hmm. Apparently your abilities aren't just the total amount of inexhaustible magic."

"Sort of. So, what do you say? Sounds like you know a lot about unlimiting... why is that?

To Gaius's inquiry, Menontius thought with a sometimes difficult face.

"... fine. So how about a give-and-take? I'll tell you everything I know about you. Instead, you answer all my questions honestly, too. How about this?

Then now Gaius looked difficult and thought about it.

"... Fine. As I said earlier, my memory has curtains..."

Then Menontius blocked Gaius' words with a sharp voice.

"Enough of the lies. Surely your memory will not be completely restored. But that's the last part of all your previous lives, not the whole thing. That means all the curtain crap earlier is a lie. Didn't I?

"... Huh. Sounds pretty familiar with me, doesn't it? ……

Gaius maximized his vigilance and took great care to keep the words as short as possible and not to be extracted from them.

"Oh, I'm going to give you all the information I know about you. Never a bad story?

When Menontius said so, he lifted up a strand of hair that draped on his forehead, and a satanic smile on his stern face.

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