Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 442: The Young Man at the Entrance

"... I'm not... I shouldn't be able to travel any farther on their feet in time..."

Gaius left town and explored along the street for quite some time from above, but never saw the Bacchus brothers.

"... there were no branches along the way though..."

The street Gaius was looking for stretched straight out of town, and left and right were just plain wide meadows, so it seemed very unlikely that he was off the street.

"... if so... you mean you went down another street?... No, it's supposed to be this street that the store master pointed out. I don't even think that master lied and... what's this all about?

Although Gaius asked himself a question over the street, he couldn't find an answer because of it.

"... for now, let's go back..."

Gaius immediately flipped when he decided on the policy, exploding the aura to the town of Tulka.

As Gaius returned to the town of Tulka in minutes of things, a seemingly well-intentioned young man who earlier asked him about his way to Hotel Lead plunged down after seeing that he was still near the town entrance.

"... whoa!? What?... You just..."

The young man immediately saw its face and leaked a sigh of relief, although he was badly surprised by Gaius, who had suddenly descended from the sky.

"I'm sorry I surprised you. By the way, a dozen minutes ago through this entrance, didn't a pair of giants go by wondering if there would be a slightly elongated, ill-eyed man and a 2M?

Gaius also asked the young man about the Bacchus brothers there to greet him.

Then the young man immediately remembered and taught Gaius.

"Oh! You went through. I went through... see, there's a manhole you can see there, right? I opened the lid and went inside."

The young man answered by pointing to a manhole set up along the fence surrounding the town.

Gaius looked up to heaven lightly and took one deep sigh.

"You mean... you dived underground, those guys..."

Then Calmis and the others rushed just there with a little knife.

"Underground. They escaped from that manhole to the basement."

Gaius told Carmis that in a sigh mix.

Then Carmis looked up to heaven and sighed, too.

"Ha... they're not a glimmer... we don't have a choice. Let's split up and find them"

"Oh. By the way, the watchmen..."

"It's okay. We've already recovered it. Besides, the SS left it at the hotel. Only my immediate men are here."

"Right. And Karmis, thank this man. This man told me that the Bacchus brothers dived underground."

Carmis nodded at Gaius's instructions and explored his own pocket.

Gaius then sooooooooooooooooooooo passed next to Carmis trying to hand the reward to the young man, approaching the manhole where the Bacchus brothers would have dived underground.

"Wait... I'll find you soon and I'll give you a shot!

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