Reincarnation Monarch

Episode 471 Infiltration


"... so... that reincarnator is just a rebirth?

Elle answered Ortez's simple question with a little hesitation.

"… Uh-huh… well, there's a lot going on there… the most important thing is that it's very magical."

"... why does the magic get stronger?

"... I don't know how it works, but the total amount of magic is carried over even when I'm reborn. So every time I lay raw, my total magic increases."

"... Really... so if anything, you told me to rely on Gaius..."

"Uhm. That total amount of magic is almost infinite. Plus, we've got a lot of places on our hands, so let's count on it."

"... Really... by the way, how old is Gaius?

"Were you twelve?

"Twelve!?... Oh no, if you did get raw as Lombardo's son, that's just about it..."

"Ah, I don't know how old he is. Looks don't make sense. Okay? If I don't get back in an hour, I'm going back to Lombardo. And wait for Gaius to return."

"I see... but why are you so afraid of Lennon when you name God's family? They're just people, aren't they?

Then the grin disappeared from Elle's face.

"... right. All I can say is that I have a bad feeling about all this... but, well, it's gonna be okay."

Elle smiled back when she said so and tried to laugh brightly.

Ortes felt his heart beat to such an El smile.

"... If you have a bad feeling about it, why don't you wait for Gaius to come home and you two go?

Then he showed how Elle was outraged by this.

"What a fool! You're gonna tell me you can't even sneak into a museum like that without my help? I'm not kidding! I am the family of God! Elle the Elvis! They'll check out one or two of those halls by the time they're skinless!

When Elle said so, he resolutely looked back and ran out, quickly jumping over the walls of the hall and entering the premises.

While the remaining Ortes held his anxiety in his breasts, he waited quietly for Elle to return.


Elle used magic to investigate the upstairs rooms one after the other as he easily broke through the open upstairs windows of a four-story spicy western hall.

(... strange... I don't see any sign of people... and I don't feel any signs of people living in it... what if this is after they've already pulled it off? ……

Elle reached the ground floor carefully descending the spiral staircase in front of her, feeling somewhat anxious inside but to investigate further.

(... If there's no smell of life on this first floor, I'll have to judge it as something I've already pulled off...)

Elle used magic on the ground floor as well as on the second floor to open the door and break into the room one after the other.

But I couldn't feel the smell or signs of people living on the second floor.

(... there's still no sign of it... you know, you pulled it off to that gap when you found out that Ortez's watch had been lifted...)

Elle leaked one sigh and drowned her head in momentum.

But at that moment, the environment surrounding El changed dramatically.

The area was enveloped in darkness within a moment, with walls, ceilings and even the floor reshaped and dissolved in darkness.

But even though his body was suddenly thrown out into the universe, Elle shrugged without panic at all.

"... Hmm. Are you here..."

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