Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 499: Adjournment


"We will discuss this with you, and we will adjourn the court once."

The judge shook down the gavel in his right hand vigorously as he declared looking indoors with a harsh voice.

Shester walked to the defendant's seat at the same time as the sound of the gavel and stood all the way beside Lombardo, who sat with his arms around him with a difficult face.

"... that's strange. Let the prosecutors calm down..."

"Mm-hmm. The credibility of the witness is shaken..."

"I thought you probably had some kind of hidden balls"

"... I guess. But what the hell is that?

"... come on, is that... is there another witness or something?

"You think there was another thing that escaped during the noise then?

"It's hard to think... but I don't even think someone has solved Elle's magic..."

"Right. So... you're not a witness?

"... that it's also some kind of physical evidence?

"Hmm. Physical evidence... physical evidence... I have no idea. The only knife that stabbed Gorkos..."

"Yes, I have it at my disposal"

"If so... what?

"Come on... you have no idea"

"Me too. There can't be any physical evidence... but if there's no other witnesses and no evidence, the D.A. 's gonna panic."

"Yeah, but..."

"Oh. I have no idea."

"Apparently, it's not the kind of thing I can think of. If..."

When Shester said so, he began to walk quietly toward the one room where the judges went in for consultation.

"Hey, Shester. Where do you think you're going?

Chester stopped to ask Lombardo, and when he looked back in slow motion, he winked tearfully at Lombardo.

"What, I thought I'd take one realistic step"


"Thank you for waiting. We will resume the trial. Witnesses forward."

When the judge waved down the gavel and silenced the indoors, he declared the reunion of the trial with an equally dignified voice until now.

And against Lukak, who stood at the interrogation table with most of them, the judge began interrogating him in a harsh tone.

"Earlier, if you were dealing with the plaintiff and the prosecution, you would no longer be in a third-party position in this case. If so, it would be impossible to admit you as a witness... Witness, were there indeed any exchanges with the plaintiff and the prosecution to offset your own sins that you had just said?

Lukak then replied, so slightly that whoever saw it could see that he was upset.

"... is, yes... I knew it!... No..."

"Witness. Which is it? Speak clearly."

"... No, the..."

Lukak glanced at the prosecutor's seat and asked for help with an exploratory look.

But the prosecutors no longer said they had lost interest in Lukak, and no one even tried to look at him.

"... that... I... am I going to the cabin?... hey... hey... can I get into a cell?... you promised... you said you wouldn't blame me... you promised!!"

Lukak exclaimed.

But the judge blocked it with a cold voice.

"I understand very well. Witnesses, please stand down."

Lukak slowly collapsed off his knees, shivering as he sifted.

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