Reincarnation Monarch

Chapter 518: Introducing Yourself

"Thank you, Your Honor"

After finishing their meeting with Lombardo and Ortes, Shester thanked the presiding judge on the way back to the defense seat.

"No, have you had a meeting yet?

"Yes, thanks to you"

"Really? I would now like to reopen the deliberation...... if you are your new witness, can I remain in your seat?

The judge looked at Ortes, who sat intact in the defense seat, and asked Chester.

"Yes, Mr. Ars' interrogation is not over yet, and I wonder if we can arrange the two of them on the witness stand, so for now I hope the witness stand will continue to have about Mr. Ars"

"Really? Shall we then? Prosecution, is that all right?

The judge questioned him and Kokhol answered in a panic.

"Yes. Fine."

Cohol had to say, he immediately asked about Lennon's complexion.

Then Lennon nodded slowly, and Kokhol was relieved.

"I would now like to reopen the interrogation of Als Witnesses."

When the presiding judge announced the resumption of the hearing, Shester stood up quickly and raised his voice.

"Your Honor, with all due respect, may I introduce this witness before we do so?

"Oh, so is that. Best regards,"

With the judge's understanding, Shester introduced the new witness with a resounding voice.

"I'll introduce you. This man is Ortes Menos, a member of the Seventh Corps of Pope Roenglin."

Introduced by Chester, Ortes rose to confusion.

And after a restless look around the side, we met lightly, like, for now.

Then the judge immediately began to ask questions about Ortes.

"Does the Seventh Legion mean that you belong to General Gorkos's army... and that was also done in the past... and now you are leaving the army?

"Ah, yes. Yes. Six years ago... I left the army..."

"Does that... have anything to do with the death of General Gorkos?

"Yes. Yes... Ah! No, it's nothing. I'm not gonna do anything about Gorkos dying, am I? Or that bastard dies and takes it for granted... not..."

"... not... what is it?

"... that Gorkos has a SS... and that SS had my brother"

"... well, your brother"

"Yes. My name is Colin..."

Then the moment his name was released from the mouth of Ortes, his mouth opened so wide that there were no more eyes of Ars sitting on the witness stand, and his mouth opened as if he had fallen in love with him in earnest.

Shester glanced at Lennon's face, further ahead of Ars, as he witnessed the moment firmly.

Although Lennon's mouth was firmly tied, his eyes were wide open, as was Ars.

Chester laughed quietly when she confirmed that they had done so.

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