Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 578: The Secret Disclosure


"Hmm. So with that secret, is it time for you to reveal it?

Against Asio with a full grin, Chester also pressed with another invincible grin.

Then Asio nodded into small pieces over and over again.

"Yeah, yeah, right. If we don't talk about it soon, you're going to cut the numbness, right? Fine. Let's talk about it. On the serious secrets of the Comet that the Pontifical Clan will be after!

Azio spread his arms and said in a rather daunting tone of play.

And as we breathed and quieted back together, Azio finally opened his mouth about the secret.

"Comet, your body has a secret. And the secret shows where your father, former Archbishop Fran, hid the enormous treasure..."


"... huge treasures?... where is it in my body? ……

Comet whispered in surprise not to much whining.

Then I said as Azio followed Comet with a tender look of mercy.

"Yeah, you probably haven't noticed, but you've got tattoos on your back."

"Tattoo!? On my back?... Wait a minute! It's not on my back. [M] 'Cause I've seen my back in the mirror, but that kind of thing on my back..."

Then Asio tried to hold down Comet with both hands.

"Oh, oh, I know. I know. So what did I just say? You probably haven't noticed. That tattoo is special. I don't usually see it. So there's no reason why you shouldn't know."

Then Shester looked difficult and broke into a conversation between the two of them.

"What the hell does tattooing usually mean when you never see it? I've never heard of such tattoos..."

Then Asio answered as he nodded again into small pieces.

"It would be. I suppose so. I don't normally know, that kind of thing. That tattoo is a special tattoo that a battle tribe living in the far Avalon continent puts on its own face and so on. It's a fairly unusual substitute for feeling expensive in battle, and when your face becomes red, the literature rises."

"I see, is that what you usually mean by never seeing..."

"Yeah, I mean, I don't show up until my body's feeling better and my temperature's up. But that, too, comes up beautifully by the time it's stunning when it's an essential act in a certain everyday life... you know what that is?

Shester responded quickly to Asio's question about the electroluminescent fire.

"That's a bath. Soaking in a hot tub will increase your temperature. Then naturally, the tattoo on your back should float."

"Discover. That's right, Mr. Shester, the answer is quick and helpful. It feels good to have a conversation."

When Azio said so, he grinned again in full.

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