Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 580: Word Ass

"... I see, that means the assassins killed Comet with the tattoo on your back raised and tried to skin it and take it away..."

When Shester said that in cold blood, Comet screamed a small, voiceless scream.

"... hi... hi no..."

Then when Balt stood beside Comet, softly holding his shoulder and supporting his body.

"... ba, balt..."

"I'm fine. Whatever happens, I won't let this Baltic, Master Comet's precious body touch a single finger!

Said Azio with an ironic grin to Baltic, who said forcefully.

"... for your important body... right. That's not about tattoos, is it?

Then Baltic seemed awkward.

"What do you say! What the hell is it to capture and disparage a word ass! Shame on you!

The Asio of the day was a cool face to Baltic, who tided his face with anger and flew corner bubbles and cursed him.

"... well, don't get so excited. I still haven't been able to fully establish who you are, although I've worn it around a certain point. Well, it's true that you're putting a lot of exploration into it. So come on, well, I was wondering if you could take a big look at this?

Saying so, Azio recently presented a fixed shoulder shrugging pose.

Then Shester, who wanted to move on with the conversation, also broke in between the two.

"I see. Apparently we're in a trifle state. But anyway, I don't know, Bart. I don't know how you feel, but for now, what do you say we listen to Azio until the end? Objection or no objection, why don't we finish listening to Azio first"

Then Balto stepped back silently in such a way that he couldn't.

Therefore, when Asio sighed with relief, he opened his mouth again to allow the explanation to resume.

"Well... then let's get back to talking... and how far did we go?

When Asio said that with his fallen in love face, Shester just replied.

"The tattoos are fixed to the skin as it rises when they die, to the point that the assassins targeted the bathroom."

Then Azio clapped his hand and praised Chester.

"Excellent. Yes. Yes. Yes, it was. And then you rubbed it with Baltic, didn't you? I'm sorry, I remember. So... what can I tell you..."

Then he saw Asio roaming around to see what he was going to say, and Chester cut in quickly.

"Apparently, you're thinking about it. Then why don't you just tell me who you are?

I saw Chester with the look of Asio surprised by the unexpected and sudden attack.

Then Shester was raising his mouth and grinning against Niyali and Azio.

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