Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 674: Successor of the Pope

"... no, here we go. This is really too much of a mix..."

Lombardo had his head mixed up in complicated relationships.

Then Chester leaked a bitter laugh just to agree.

"Yeah. Let's sort this out here for once."

Then Lombardo lifted his head pat and nodded loudly and again.

"Whoa. Let's do that. No, do that."

Lombardo ran out of breath and begged Chester.

Shester's bitter smile became even greater.

"... Yep. First, then, the Pope and Foreign Secretary Calvin are political enemies. And the late Archbishop Fran was hostile."

"So you're saying that Calvin and Fran were on our side?

Then Chester's face clouded.

"... Speaking of which, I didn't hear you there. Just a moment. Ask Asio."

Shester said, turning back his heel, and rushed out to Asio walking at the rear of the line.

And after a while, Chester answered with a breath.

"Apparently, we're not on our side."

"That's a vague way of putting it, isn't it?

"Yes. Basically, Calvin and Fran each seemed to have built an independent party. But since they were both hostile to the Pope, who had great power, they often fought together."

"... I see. So the enemy is on your side, too?

"Exactly. Apparently, the political world means developing the same picture everywhere."

"Right. All right, go on."

Lombardo urged me, and Chester kept talking.

"Yes. The Pope has several sons, but one son. This is Gorkos in the example. But he died in the land of Esta... and now we hear that one of the bastards was taken by his successor."

"Oh, I heard that, too. Pretty manly, huh? He said there's a half-blood connection to the Gorkos."

"Yeah, I see you do. If it's even slightly similar to that toad, the adjective" male "won't appear in the end, so it probably doesn't even look alike at all."

"I guess. Maybe he inherited the colorful side of his mother's blood... oh, now it wasn't his talking. Hi. I can't seem to escape the habit of derailing the conversation. Sorry, Chester, keep going."

"No, that's the same for me, and we still have a lot of way to go to Audine, so let's just say we talk slowly"

"So is that. Slow footsteps, and suppose you go in a picnic mood."

Then Shester put a bitter laugh on his face once again.

"That's just... I'm trying to get away from Calvin's hands for once, so I need you to be somewhat nervous..."

"Oh, speaking of which, you did. Okay, so let's talk about it slowly and for a while while while we have some tension."

Only to relaxed Lombardo, Chester shrugged his shoulders as he accidentally leaked a bitter laugh.

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