Reincarnation Monarch

Lesson 688 Pursuit

"But the redistribution of wealth is not so easy, is it?

Lombardo turned again to Dalm and asked with a serious look as he rubbed his own jaw.

Dalm then answered, staring into Lombardo's eyes with a sincere eye.

"I know. I don't know how hard it's going to be... but this is my dream. You guys could be laughing..."

"Lombardo then waved for the first time in a big way.

"Let's not lose sight of it. I am not the kind of person who laughs lightly at other people's dreams. But if that dream is an impracticable reckless one, you will not hesitate to point that out. And... unfortunately your dreams seem close to that so far"

"... why? ……

"I have not heard the specific vision, so I cannot be certain, but I hear that the current system of low engrinth is quite corrupt. I mean, it's easy to say, it's full of greed. I am willing to defy such a system and repeat it. But I have to say that it is quite impossible as a matter of reality. Because as soon as that prospect is revealed, the upper echelons of the current system will turn to your enemies at once."

"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying. I honestly think that if we really want to redistribute wealth, we have to feel like we're about to overthrow the country's system from the ground up."

Then Lombardo gave him a surprise look.

"Oh no! You mean you're so ready for this? I'm so prepared to overthrow Roenglin's national system that it's inevitable!

Then Darm looked ahead kickingly and took Lombardo's gaze head-on.

"Yes! I'm ready to die in this dream!

"Excellent! I'm really ready to look up. But you can't just be ready to make things happen, can you? What you need is a way to get things done in real life. Do you have it?

Durm was then depressed as soon as possible.

"... that's... the specific measures... nothing so far..."

Chester chased him from the side to the darm of a voice that was about to disappear.

"What is Lennon saying? Is it Lennon who showed you the way? So Lennon has taught you how to make a plan?

Darm jammed his words into Shester's pursuit.

And he lifted something like a voiceless groan and sat down in his chair disappointed.

Then Shester devoured Dalm with a further blow.

"There's no way? So, no redistribution of wealth. That's the rice cake you wrote in the picture, huh? It's just a dream story. Of course, it's fine to set out your ideals. But there's nothing you can do about it. Because nothing can be achieved without measures that are realistic. You must be a good man. [M] But I can't fix it. I seem to like it. And your favorite... unfortunately, is a race that is often used by others. Darm, it sounds harsh, but aren't you just being used by Lennon?

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